Yep, it's official. I have a 1 yr old and a 2 yr old! LOL For some reason I love saying that. Teagan had a wonderful first birthday. My dad is here visiting from Florida and it's just beautiful watching them interract with their Dziadek. Teagan had her 1 year appt yesterday and I declined all shots. I've been doing my research on this b/c of Tolla's severe reaction to the MMRV. I read Dr. Sears book The Vaccine Book and I felt really informed in a positive way to make my decision for my daughter. I haven't decided if I will decline all together but for now I'm just delaying it. I want her to be AT LEAST 20lbs before she gets it b/c I feel these shots are being administered unfairly to group all babies of a certain age to a one size fits all dose. My daughter is NOT the average one year old so why should she get the same does a 22lbs 1 yr old does?? Anyway, when I told the dr of my decision his entire demeaner changed, but I was prepared for that. It's ok. I respect his profession and I respect his opinion, but I based my decision on more than that. I trusted all too much the past pediatricians and Tolla paid the price when I went against my instinct. I vowed never to do that again when she was in her surgery.
Now for Teagan's stats: 16lbs 6.6oz 28.25 in I always forget the head cir. The dr did pay her one compliment, he said he had never seen a healthier baby in the middle of winter. He said everything checked out great, ears, throat, lungs. And we're even fighting a little cold. Of course, today she's hacking up a storm. Everytime we go to the dr the girls come back with something. I just hope it passes quickly. She's increased her nursing so I know she's not feeling well. Speaking of nursing, I feel so empowered that we made it to the one year mark. My next goal is 18 mos. Tolla nursed until 16 mos and I would really like to surpass that with Teagan. We'll see. At this point, I leave it up to them. I'm prepared to nurse as long as they would like. Teagan is cruising, clapping, signing more, all done, nurse and change. She has 5 teeth with one more just about to break thru her gums. She says momma and daddy and also says all done and I swear I hear other words but none that I can think of right now.
So, Teagan's party is on Sat. It's very small, one or two friends, my dad and my brother (hopefully). This is good, I'm not prepared for a big to-do. I tried to do that for Tolla and then was disappointed when few people showed up. I ordered her cake today and can't wait, it sounds so yummy -- choc with rasp filling! omg, I'm going to be so bad. The party is from 130-300 so I'm not sure what I'll do for food. Probably just some chips and dip and maybe some light finger sandwiches. I'm not going all out b/c there will be cake and the party is so short. Teagan did get a couple gifts already, one being a little power wheels atv car. OMG, it's too cute. She's a little unsure about it (and of course Tolla is digging it) but it was so cute to see her on it. She looked like such a big girl yet still my baby.
I know I've seriously lagged on posting on my blog and will try to be more diligent!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
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