Monday, October 29, 2007

Long over due post

It's been awhile since I've posted b/c we all got the stomach flu and then I went thru a pretty dark time with myself and just didn't want to post that in my blog. Crazy, I know, maybe it would've helped to get it out.

So updates, Teagan is 9 months old now and weighs 13lbs 11 oz. Crazy small for her age. I'm trying to change the way I eat to help her get better bm. My mother's intuition is telling me that if I change my eating habits and eat healthier foods she will get more nutrient and caloric bm. We'll see. I have 6 weeks to put my theory to the test. She hates the baby food I make. Drives me nuts. I bought some Earth's Best baby food and she eats that up but when I try to give her the stuff I've made, she refuses to eat it. Not fair. I loved making baby food for Tolla and never had a problem getting her to eat it. I'm going to keep trying though. Teagan says Mama! Omg, it's the cutest thing ever to hear her say it and she'll say it until I come get her so she must know it means me! I Love it. She is started to creep along the furniture and is getting more confident at landing on her butt when she pulls her self up on something. Which is so much better than her screaming for someone to come rescue her! She has stopped sleeping thru the night ever since we were all sick so that sucks. She waks at about 1 or 2a and then 5a. She refuses to nurse laying down so I dont' get to snuggle with her while she nurses and I snooze. That bums me out and makes me tired. She also does this crazy thing where she switches sides about 3 x's during a nursing session. I'm hoping that by doing this elimination diet maybe that will subside and I can get her to nurse normally again. We'll see.

Tolla is doing great. She's saying more and more words. Sometimes she just walks around the house pointing at things and saying the name! It's really cute. She loves to "spell" but it's always B-A-B-O or something. And she loves to count except she always counts 1-2-1-2. We're working with her more and more on counting to 10 and I think she will be there very soon. Her new favorite movie is The Little Mermaid and she is going to be a mermaid for Halloween. She likes this new PBS show called Word World and I think that's where the spelling things comes in. They say their going to build a word and then do a little dance and she's like to dance along, it's adorable!

My bf is due to have her baby next month and I'm getting very excited. I just wish I lived near her.

I got my hair dyed on Sat too. I LOVE it. I feel funky again and I've been losing weight so that makes me feel good too. I really want to get back to my pre preg weight with Tolla. I've got about 32 lbs to go.

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