Tuesday, September 18, 2007


So, my dh says to me last night, will you move to China with me if my job sends me there? Um, yeah, of course, but why?!?! LOL No, with his job they have a site in China -- they get some of their products from there. Lately there have been a LOT of problems with the product coming damaged, not put together correctly, a lot of errors that my dh has been having to correct. So, in their meeting yesterday, my dh suggested to his boss that he go over there and set up shop to test the supplies there before shipping to the states to cut costs. The boss is thinking it over, saying it is a good idea. I am very proud of my dh for suggesting this solution to his boss. I know my dh is an awesome engineer and I just love that this company recognizes him. If we go over there it would be an adventure. We've always talked about living overseas and so now it may come true. After the initial shock, I'm kind of hoping it will happen! I think it would be great to expose our girls to different cultures, etc. instead of thinking they are in this little bubble. We'll see what happens next!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

That would be so cool! Just be aware of the chicken feet on a stick.... seems to be a favorite treat over there! yuck! Anyway, I'm excited to hear :) Hugs to the girls