Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Homemade Baby Food

I forgot how much joy and satisfaction I recieved out of making homemade baby food for Tolla. I just recently started Teagan on solids and made a batch of applesauce the other day to mix in with her cereal and it was so easy and I enjoyed it so much that I can wait to start making the other foods for her. I love seeing all the stacks of frozen baby food in the freezer!

And even though I hated the thought of starting solids with her. Today when I was feeding her and watching her smile and babble just filled my heart with such love that I remembered it doesn't matter that she's not exclusively breastfed anymore. I'm still feeding her with the same amount of care and love as when she's at my breast. She's just growing up and there's not stoping that! LOL She's such a doll and just loved the apples and cereal today!

1 comment:

Allison xoxo said...

I love seeing lots of homemade baby food in our freezer too. We still have lots of acorn squash, garnet yams, butternut squash and sweet potatoes. I mixed some of those w/ peas and carrots and rice and pureed it up, it helped sethy get used to texture.

Wtg on making applesauce! I never tried that.